A step-by-step guide to creating your SaaS brand with 0$


Designing a good-looking website is important for creating a great user experience and increasing conversion rates. The key components that make a website beautiful include using the right colors, typography, and call-to-action buttons, as well as incorporating illustrations, animations, and demos into the design.

Branding and creating a strong brand identity are also crucial for a successful website. This includes choosing a relevant and memorable name, using the right typography and color palette, and designing a logo that represents your brand. By considering these design elements and creating a cohesive brand identity, you can create a beautiful and effective website.


Designing a good-looking website is one of the most complex parts of creating a product. A good-looking interface with a great user experience is one of the most important things about a website. Beautiful websites have a better conversation rate, but what do I mean by beautiful websites?

Beautiful websites keys

After analyzing more than 100 of the most successful startup websites, I conclude that most websites have these keys that let their websites stand out in the crowd.


Colors play an important role in any website. They can convey different emotions and tones, speak to different audiences, and communicate actions. The color should be relevant to the product I highlight. It is a must for a brand to stand out choose its color wisely, to settle its meaning in the customer's subconscious.


Almost 90% of website content is made of typography. Good typography will establish a powerful visual hierarchy, provide graphic balance, and set the product's overall tone. I can add a special touch to the product through font type, alignment, text size, and weight.

Call to Action

Having provocative Call to Action buttons makes the website look more admirable and increases the click rate. They let the user know what to do next, such as sign up for a newsletter or purchase a product. Buttons without a clear call to action, users are likely to leave the website without accomplishing their tasks.


Whether I use eye-catching graphics or vector designs, these illustrations help create a memorable site. Keeping them informative and straightforward, can add uniqueness, personality, and a sense of warmth to the website.


Animations are not just for cartoons anymore. From full-screen moving images to minor hover effects, touches of animation are popping up everywhere. Animations are trendy, fun, and user-friendly.


Demos are live previews of what I can do with this product. Instead of creating a free account to only test the features and decide whether I find this helpful product or not, I can embed short demos of the product on the landing page. Users tend to participate when they like what they see.


Branding is a crucial aspect of any Saas, and a strong brand identity is essential. A cohesive brand identity helps customers to easily recognize and remember your brand and sets the tone for your business. let's dive into the tools that will help us establish a solid brand.


One of the first steps in establishing a strong brand identity is choosing a relevant and memorable name. This name should accurately reflect the products or services you offer, and be easy for customers to remember and pronounce. I recommend getting inspiration from namelix.com

Typography & Colors

One of the key components of a strong brand identity is choosing the right typography and color palette. These design elements should be coherent with the overall tone and aesthetic of your brand and should be used consistently across all of your marketing materials. This helps to create a cohesive and professional look for your website and other marketing materials.

these are my three favorite tools to do it:

  • Coolors: They call it the super fast color schemes generator. Instantly create beautiful color palettes that you can adjust and refine, to then, export and use on your side project.
  • Color Hunt: A collection of hundreds of color palettes, created and voted by users. choose your favorite one and start using it!
  • Eva Design System: Deep learning color generator. Believe me, you won't mess it up after using them.
  • Google fonts: A collection of free to use fonts.

Your logo should be unique, memorable, and easily recognizable. It should accurately represent the essence of your brand and be able to be used across a variety of different mediums. You can use these tools for inspiration:
Logopond: It is an inspirational site that showcases logo work from designers of varying abilities all across the world.


Designing a website is a hard task. But I have already analyzed but I got you to focus on these and you will create an attractive one:

Gorgeous Colors: You can get them with the tools given above. And remember gradients are always a safe option.

Clear Typography: Many of the Google fonts are okay. I'm a fan of the Sans serif family they always look good - Poppins, Lato, Noto...)

Provocative Call to Action: Add provocative buttons that attract users! You
can find some inspiration here.

Wonderful Illustrations: Creating great illustrations is a complicated task. You can find great illustrations in Undraw, Freepik, Pixabay

Brilliant Animations: Make your website interactive.

You can use Figma, and AdobeXD to make your own design.


In conclusion, designing a beautiful and effective website requires considering key elements such as colors, typography, call-to-action buttons, illustrations, animations, and demos. In addition, a strong brand identity, including a relevant and memorable name, appropriate typography and color palette, and a well-designed logo, is essential for a successful website. By considering these design elements and creating a cohesive brand identity, you can create a website that stands out in the crowd and provides a great user experience for your customers.